Sunday, January 12, 2014

Plum Island Field

Plum Island Field
8x8 Pastel on Pastelmat $150
Finished in the morning with a trip to the museum and Blick in the afternoon - a good day!
I saw the Sargent watercolor show at the Boston Museum of Fine Art.  The work was wonderful but the lines were long and the galleries were crowded.  I wish I had all day to stand in front of just a few paintings and really study them.  In retrospect, a rainy day towards the end of an exhibit was probably not the best idea - everyone else had the same thought.
The trip to Dick Blick is always fun.  Some things just need to be seen in person.  I cannot choose mat board or pastels from a monitor color swatch. It took us 1/2 hr. to get from southern NH into Boston and then another hour to inch our way into Boston!  It was worth it and as always we promised ourselves to do it more often.

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